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Top 5 Instagram tips for your hair salon business

Instagram tips for hair salons: Top 5 tricks

Reaching out to a wider audience as the owner of a hair salon business is more accessible than ever. With popular social platforms such as Instagram, your salon can greatly expand its reach and communicate with your clients on a whole new level. 

In today’s article, we’ll give you 5 hair salon advertising instagram tips that are guaranteed to deliver results.

Switch to a business account

This one Instagram tip is often overlooked by many small businesses. Changing your profile from regular to business gives you a couple of extra features, such as adding additional information, running ads, and more. Fill your bio with information and relevant keywords that describe your business. The limit is 150 characters, so be precise and make use of emojis if you can. Make sure all the contacts of your business are added to your Instagram profile, including email, website, phone number, and address. Adding as many contacts as you can is vital as clients can reach you in more than one way.

Book appointments or dye trying

There are a couple of reasons your business needs an Instagram business account and one of them is to book appointments directly from the platform. This is not only convenient for you but also for your clients. Millennials and Gen Z users love texting and booking an appointment through Instagram can be done in less than a minute. To add a booking button to your profile, go to “Edit Profile”, then “Action Buttons”. Select “Book Now” and Instagram will give you a few booking apps to choose from. Once you’ve set it up, you can start promoting the feature through posts and special discounts for any users who make an appointment through Instagram.

Choose a profile picture

It might seem like a small deal but your profile picture can make all the difference. The correlation between product and branding can’t be ignored and it’s the reason Coca-Cola spends half its revenue on advertising. Select a profile picture that best suits your hair salon and make sure people can easily tell what your business offers. If you have trouble finding the right picture, you can always go with a business logo instead.

Post quality content

Running a hair salon is all about providing a pleasant experience and delivering results, so the most obvious Instagram tip is to advise you to flex over the competition by posting “Before & After” pictures on a regular basis. These don’t just serve as free advertising but also give your clients an idea of the services you offer. Clients are also likely to interact with any posts that you tag them in, increasing your engagement even further and more importantly building trust. Another way to simultaneously engage with your customers is to post useful hair tips. This can be in the form of short videos, infographics, or carousels. If you’re running a blog on your website, you can post direct links to relevant articles that might interest your audience.

Host giveaways

If there’s one thing people love, it’s winning. Use that to your advantage with giveaways! Organising giveaways can help you boost the image of your brand and attract both new and existing clients. Creating your own giveaway can be as simple as users signing up for your newsletter by providing an email address, giving you another channel to reach them in the future. An even better way is to ask users to like, comment and tag a friend. This Instagram tip can lead to more views and higher engagement with your audience.

Frequently asked questions about Instagram tips for hair salons

What are the 3 C’s of Instagram?

  • Content: The quality and relevance of your posts
  • Community: Engaging with your audience and developing connections
  • Consistency: Posting regularly to keep your audience engaged and informed

How often should I post on Instagram?

Despite rumours to the contrary, there is no ideal posting frequency, the key is consistency. So, before you start, make a decision on how many times you can comfortably manage to post each week. Whether this is a post every day or just a few days a week, you need to commit to sticking to that schedule to keep your audience engaged. If you tail off, or miss a few posts, the consistency drops and you run the risk of losing your audience.

What is the ‘5 likes, comment, and follow’ rule?

Theoretically, liking five recent posts, leaving a meaningful comment on one of them, and following that user helps you engage with potential followers and can lead to increasing your own following. This seemingly genuine interaction often, not always, but often encourages a follow back, and hey presto more followers.*

* Caveat: This does not always guarantee more followers, likewise more followers does not necessarily mean more sales. What actually matters is engagement and conversion, whether it’s traffic back to your website or a sale. Likes and followers are pure vanity metrics.

Is it OK not to post on Instagram every day?

It is absolutely perfectly okay not to post every day. Think quality not quantity. There’s no point posting every day if you’re posting rubbish. You need to focus on providing valuable content that resonates with your audience – posts should ideally be informative and/or entertaining. As we’ve mentioned, consistency is important, but overloading your followers with content can be counterproductive, and it comes back to finding a posting schedule that works for you.

Key Takeaway

There’s more than one way to successfully promote your hair salon using Instagram. Make sure you have the basics covered and keep experimenting with your posts. Take pictures, post “Before & After” shots, organise giveaways, and most importantly, keep your clients happy. And don’t forget to post frequently, the more you post, the higher your engagement will be.

About Magic

Magic helps local businesses grow. Thousands of local businesses use Magic to get more online reviews, win new customers, easily manage customer conversations and grow sales. Magic offers these features:

  • Reviews: Get more reviews with automatic review requests for popular review sites like Google, Facebook, Yelp, TrustPilot, and more. Rank high on local search and enhance your visibility on Google. 
  • Inbox: Keep track of customer conversations across channels in one inbox, including SMS, Facebook, Instagram, and Gmail. Manage conversations better as a team and do more with industry specific templates. 
  • Text Marketing: Drive more sales with instant text campaigns and reach your customers at the right moment with automation. Use prebuilt templates to send out text campaigns in minutes. 
  • Webchat: Turn website visitors into customers with SMS powered Webchat. Chat to website visitors directly through SMS so you won’t miss a lead, even when they leave your website. 

Looking to grow your local business? Book in a demo call now. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook


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